[ Fall Fruit Harvest ]

Pumpkins, mums, sun flowers, Indian corn and gourds are available in the market place. I saw the white pumpkins and decided to get them early. They are becoming popular, and as the season progresses, they become difficult to find. It's too early to set a Halloween so, let set the table and celebrate the Fall Harvest.

Place Setting: Still life paintings are not my thing, but put them on a plate and love, love, love. My favorite artistry is on German plates. The details are so lifelike. The fruits pop off the plates. At thrift shops and flea markets, they call me, which result in multiple sets.To add a little pop and elegance, I'm using the gold rimmed with cut out detailing and paired them with the green lettuce plates.

Staying true to fall colors, I added my Dane Glassware, each is a fabulous brilliant color. I loved these glasses from the moment I saw them in the gallery. So, instead of purchasing "stuff'" on my vacation, every summer I purchased 1 glass. I photographed the glasses, and noted their height. (individually blown, each one's height is slightly different). I could hear the shopper keeper say, " Here comes the lady who purchases one glass!"

Centerpiece: This was a challenge. My motto more is better didn't play well here. Keeping it simple, I added Dane Glass candle holders.

Keeping it Simple! Stay tuned for more fall pop.
