Bring your best sparkle, shine or glitter to the table….feel great & shine,,,
...opens your imagination to table settings for dinner parties, lunches and teas. Get inspired and create a special occasion for yourself.

Sparkle Me****

[ Fall ] October = Orange
Table cloth, runner, placemats, or chargers which one do you select. Here's a switch. Instead of using linens try paper placemats.
You can find these pads of placements in various designs. I love gold fish motif! These vibrant gold fish provide the pop for this fall table.
Since there are multiple fish on the mats, the placesetting is kept simple with a neutral yellow provencial plate.
Play with gold accent: flatware and the fish head sculpture. Then, focused in with orange flowers, napkins and the witch's ball. If you look closely, there is also an orange seahorse. The fish head, witch's ball and seahorse are souveniers from vacations.
To add more pop and a little spice, the glassware is multi-colored Murano glass.

[ The Place Setting]
Simple provencial plates with contemporary gold rim mini salad plates. Added Murano multi-colored martini glasses.

[ The Pop ]
Vibrant gold fish paper placements. Placemats purchased at Flowers on Chestnut, Nantucket, MA.